Submit a Guest Article!

Our Article Guidelines:

  • Article must be 100% original, be a minimum of 1000 words and address a natural health, beauty, pet or home topic relevant to content you can now find on
  • Article must be exclusive to NHH.
  • If a featured image is included, it must be horizontal and at least 500 pixels wide.
  • Your article must be informative, well written, and not spammy. We do not accept ‘advertorials’.
  • One link is allowed in the body and one in the bio. The link in the body of the post needs to correlate with the article content and not use awkward or out-of-place anchor text.
  • You must include a short bio at the end of your article. (Your article will NOT be published without it!)
  • A link is allowed in the bio and we’re much less strict on that link – however, it cannot be for sites such as gambling, viagra, porn, or anything far outside of the natural health and healing sphere.
  • After your article is posted you will receive an email from [email protected] letting you know. When you get that, please do us all a favor and share your article on all of your social networks!

Please, only submit quality, original, relevant, well-written content. We are very picky on what we post on our site, and, good informative articles receive a LOT more traffic! Needless to say, sub-par articles aren’t posted at all. That all said, we’d love to have you as a guest writer! 🙂

Submit your article here:

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